General Provisions
NRS 278A.430. Applicability; purposes.
Proceedings for Tentative Approval
NRS 278A.440. Application to be filed by landowner.
NRS 278A.450. Application: Form; filing fees; place of filing; tentative map.
NRS 278A.460. Planning, zoning and subdivisions determined by city or county.
NRS 278A.470. Application: Contents.
NRS 278A.480. Public hearing: Notice; time limited for concluding hearing; extension of time.
NRS 278A.490. Grant, denial or conditioning of tentative approval by minute order; specifications for final approval.
NRS 278A.500. Minute order: Findings of fact required.
NRS 278A.510. Minute order: Specification of time for filing application for final approval.
NRS 278A.520. Mailing of minute order to landowner; status of plan after tentative approval; revocation of tentative approval.
Proceedings for Final Approval
NRS 278A.530. Application for final approval; public hearing not required if substantial compliance with plan tentatively approved.
NRS 278A.540. What constitutes substantial compliance with plan tentatively approved.
NRS 278A.550. Plan not in substantial compliance: Alternative procedures; public hearing; final action.
NRS 278A.560. Action brought upon failure of city or county to grant or deny final approval.
NRS 278A.570. Certification and recordation of plan; effect of recordation; modification of approved plan; fees of county recorder.
NRS 278A.580. Rezoning and resubdivision required for further development upon abandonment of or failure to carry out approved plan.
Judicial Review
NRS 278A.590. Decisions subject to review; limitation on time for commencement of action or proceeding.