General Provisions
NRS 278A.090. Adoption of standards and conditions by ordinance.
NRS 278A.100. Permitted uses.
NRS 278A.110. Density and intensity of use of land.
NRS 278A.120. Common open space: Amount and location; improvement and maintenance.
NRS 278A.130. Common open space: Dedication of land; development to be organized as common-interest community.
NRS 278A.170. Common open space: Procedures for enforcing payment of assessment.
NRS 278A.180. Common open space: Maintenance by city or county upon failure of association or other organization to maintain; notice; hearing; period of maintenance.
NRS 278A.190. Common open space: Assessment of costs of maintenance by city or county; lien.
NRS 278A.210. Public facilities.
NRS 278A.220. Evaluation of design, bulk and location of buildings; unreasonable restrictions prohibited.
Minimum Standards of Design
NRS 278A.230. Adoption by ordinance.
NRS 278A.240. Types of units.
NRS 278A.250. Minimum site.
NRS 278A.270. Drainage.
NRS 278A.280. Fire hydrants.
NRS 278A.290. Fire lanes.
NRS 278A.300. Exterior lighting.
NRS 278A.310. Jointly owned areas: Agreement for maintenance and use.
NRS 278A.320. Parking.
NRS 278A.330. Setback from streets.
NRS 278A.340. Sanitary sewers.
NRS 278A.350. Streets: Construction and design.
NRS 278A.360. Streets: Names and numbers; signs.
NRS 278A.370. Utilities.