General Provisions
NRS 278.02507. Applicability.
NRS 278.02514. Regional planning coalition: Establishment.
Comprehensive Regional Policy Planning
NRS 278.02521. Legislative intent.
NRS 278.02528. Comprehensive regional policy plan: Development by regional planning coalition; contents; prerequisites to adoption and amendment.
NRS 278.02535. Regional planning coalition: Study and development of incentives for certain types of development.
NRS 278.02542. Regional planning coalition: Powers; establishment of definition for term “project of regional significance.”
NRS 278.02549. Certain public entities to submit plans to regional planning coalition for review; certain public entities to ensure consistency of land use plans and decisions with comprehensive regional policy plan and certified plans.
NRS 278.02556. Certain public entities prohibited from adopting or amending certain plans after March 1, 2001, unless regional planning coalition afforded opportunity to make recommendations; exception.
NRS 278.02563. Regional planning coalition to annually prepare, adopt and submit budget to local governments in region.
NRS 278.0257. Regional planning coalition authorized to employ persons and contract for services to carry out certain duties.
NRS 278.02577. Regional planning coalition to review plans of public entities for conformance with comprehensive regional policy plan; procedure upon determination of nonconformance or conformance; grants to city or county.
Planning for Land Use, Transportation and Air Quality
NRS 278.02584. Regional planning coalition to cooperate with local air pollution control board and regional transportation commission for consistency of action and to carry out program of integrated, long-range planning; public hearings; preparation and submission of report.
NRS 278.02587. Bus turnouts: Designation of locations for and funding of construction by regional transportation commission; construction pursuant to interlocal or cooperative agreement; technical advisory committee.
Extension of Infrastructure to Undeveloped Areas
NRS 278.02591. Analysis by governing body of cost to construct infrastructure in undeveloped area: Establishment; contents; approval; provision to regional planning coalition.
NRS 278.02598. Governing body authorized to negotiate master development agreements to carry out plan for infrastructure.