NRS 278.010. Definitions.
NRS 278.0103. “Aboveground utility” defined.
NRS 278.0105. “Affordable housing” defined.
NRS 278.0107. “Average residential density” defined.
NRS 278.011. “Building code” defined.
NRS 278.0115. “Building official” defined.
NRS 278.012. “Cities and counties” defined.
NRS 278.0125. “City surveyor” defined.
NRS 278.013. “Commission” and “planning commission” defined.
NRS 278.0135. “Common-interest community” defined.
NRS 278.014. “County surveyor” defined.
NRS 278.0145. “Final map” defined.
NRS 278.0147. “Gaming enterprise district” defined.
NRS 278.015. “Governing body” defined.
NRS 278.0153. “Historic neighborhood” defined.
NRS 278.0155. “Improvement” defined.
NRS 278.0157. “Infrastructure” and “public facilities” defined.
NRS 278.016. “Local ordinance” defined.
NRS 278.0165. “Lot” defined.
NRS 278.0166. “Military installation” defined.
NRS 278.0167. “Mobile home park” defined.
NRS 278.017. “Parcel map” defined.
NRS 278.0172. “Regional planning coalition” defined.
NRS 278.0173. “Renewable energy” defined.
NRS 278.01735. “Renewable energy generation project” defined.
NRS 278.0174. “Residential dwelling unit” defined.
NRS 278.0175. “Right-of-way” defined.
NRS 278.0177. “Rural preservation neighborhood” defined.
NRS 278.018. “Streets” defined.
NRS 278.0185. “Subdivider” defined.
NRS 278.019. “Tentative map” defined.
NRS 278.0193. “Used for residential purposes” defined.
NRS 278.0195. “Utility project” defined.
NRS 278.020. Regulation by governing bodies of improvement of land and location of structures for general welfare.
NRS 278.0201. Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Manner and contents; extension of period for commencement of construction under certain circumstances; applicable ordinances, resolutions and regulations; restrictions on subsequent action by governing body.
NRS 278.0203. Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Approval by ordinance; recording.
NRS 278.0205. Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Amendment or cancellation; review of development by governing body; notice; approval of amendment; filing and recording of amendment.
NRS 278.0207. Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Recording of certified copy of ordinance adopting agreement.
NRS 278.02073. Building permit for residential or commercial project: Extension of period of validity when financing is not available and land is leased for renewable energy generation project.
NRS 278.02077. Prohibition against prohibiting or unreasonably restricting use of system for obtaining wind energy; exceptions.
NRS 278.0208. Prohibition against prohibiting or unreasonably restricting use of system for obtaining solar energy.
NRS 278.02081. Mandatory consideration of certain standards and guidelines if governing body establishes committee or task force on sustainable energy.
NRS 278.02083. Prohibition against restricting right of owner to display United States flag on real property; limitations; recovery of attorney’s fees and costs in action for enforcement.
NRS 278.02085. Amateur radio: Limitations on restrictions on amateur service communications; limitations on regulation of station antenna structures; exception.
NRS 278.0209. Factory-built housing: Inclusion in definition of “single-family residence”; standards for safety and development; installation prohibited under certain circumstances.
NRS 278.02095. Manufactured homes: Inclusion in definition of “single-family residence”; governing body to adopt standards for placement outside mobile home park; surrender of certificate of ownership of certain manufactured homes to Manufactured Housing Division; limitations.
NRS 278.0211. Standards and specifications relating to school buildings in certain counties to be consistent and developed in conjunction with school district.
NRS 278.0213. Obstruction of outdoor advertising structures by certain improvement projects: Required action by governing body; limitations on authorized actions; implementation and applicability of provisions.
NRS 278.0215. Nonconforming outdoor advertising structures: City or county to pay just compensation or authorize relocation if it requires removal or prohibits routine maintenance; exceptions; required removal of structure pursuant to amortization schedule prohibited; public hearing required in certain circumstances; appeal of amount of just compensation.
NRS 278.0217. Certain documents to be retained by governing body or other entity that causes notices of hearing to be provided.
NRS 278.022. Restriction of adult motion picture theaters and bookstores: Declaration of legislative intent.
NRS 278.0221. Restriction of adult motion picture theaters and bookstores: Definitions.
NRS 278.0222. Restriction of adult motion picture theaters and bookstores: Authority of commission and governing body.
NRS 278.0226. Preparation of annual plan for capital improvements; contents of plan.
NRS 278.023. Enactment of separate zoning and planning ordinances for specific parts of territories.
NRS 278.0231. Requirement to place street address or identifying number on exterior of certain buildings; notice of violation.
NRS 278.02313. Maintenance, reconstruction and repair of sidewalks: Circumstances under which governing body may compel action by owner of property.
NRS 278.02315. Inclusion of provisions for placement of recycling containers in plans for construction or major renovation of apartment complex or condominium.
NRS 278.02317. Governing body may not require dedication of real property as condition for issuance of building permit; exceptions.
NRS 278.0232. Closure or conversion of mobile home park: Report required to be filed with planning commission or governing body.
NRS 278.02325. Conversion of existing mobile home park into individually owned lots: Restrictions governing body, commission or board may not impose as condition of approval.
NRS 278.02327. Application for matter relating to land use planning required to be complete for acceptance by governing body; review for completeness; procedure for return of incomplete application.
NRS 278.0233. Actions against agency: Conditions and limitations.
NRS 278.0235. Actions against agency: Commencement.
NRS 278.0237. Actions against agency: Defenses; attorney’s fees, court costs and interest; remedy cumulative.