NRS 277.080. Short title.
NRS 277.090. Purpose.
NRS 277.100. Definitions.
NRS 277.103. Consolidation of governmental services: Authorization; interlocal agreement; supplementary and prevailing provisions.
NRS 277.105. Consolidation of governmental services: Establishment of permanent administrative entity to perform specific functions; negotiation concerning contributions to budget of entity.
NRS 277.110. Joint exercise of powers, privileges and authority by public agencies; agreements.
NRS 277.120. Contents of agreement establishing separate legal or administrative entity; contents of other agreements.
NRS 277.130. Effect of agreement on legal obligations and responsibilities of public agency; certain legal entities created by agreement prohibited from operating in certain manner.
NRS 277.140. Authority of public agency to submit certain agreements to Attorney General for approval; failure to disapprove such agreements within certain period to be deemed approval; recording and filing of such agreements; authority of Attorney General to charge cost of timely performing determinations related to such agreements.
NRS 277.150. Approval of certain agreements by state officer or agency.
NRS 277.160. Agreement as interstate compact; liability of state; actions.
NRS 277.170. Appropriations; furnishing of property, personnel and services; issuance of securities.
NRS 277.180. Interlocal contracts.