NRS 277.045. Cooperative agreements between political subdivisions for performance of governmental functions; budget for expenses.
NRS 277.050. Sale, exchange or lease of real property by public agency: Conditions; procedure.
NRS 277.053. Real property to be used for public purpose: Conveyance of such property by one political subdivision to State, state agency, another political subdivision or Indian tribe without charge.
NRS 277.055. Cooperative agreements concerning insurance between public agencies or nonprofit medical facilities: Authorization; requirements; expenses.
NRS 277.056. Cooperative agreements concerning insurance between public agencies or nonprofit medical facilities: Additional powers and obligations under such agreements between housing authorities.
NRS 277.057. Cooperative agreements concerning sites of archeological, paleontological or historical significance: Legislative findings and declaration.
NRS 277.058. Cooperative agreements concerning sites of archeological, paleontological or historical significance: Authorization and purposes; consultation and cooperation with certain entities required.
NRS 277.060. Cooperative agreements concerning water and sewerage between political subdivisions in certain counties.
NRS 277.065. Cooperative agreements for improvement of quality of academic and career and technical education at correctional institutions for juveniles and state facilities for detention of children.
NRS 277.0655. Cooperative agreements for educational services at hospital or other facility that provides residential treatment to children.
NRS 277.067. Cooperative agreements concerning insurance: Political subdivisions, state agencies or Nevada System of Higher Education may enter into agreement; approval of Board of Public Employees’ Benefits Program required under certain circumstances; establishment of separate entity.
NRS 277.069. Cooperative agreements concerning insurance: Powers and obligations of parties.
NRS 277.0695. Cooperative agreements concerning insurance: Issuance of securities; applicability of other laws concerning securities.