General Provisions
NRS 244A.597. County’s powers concerning recreational facilities.
NRS 244A.599. County fair and recreation boards: Creation; number, appointment and terms of members in county whose population is less than 100,000.
NRS 244A.601. County fair and recreation board in county whose population is 100,000 or more but less than 700,000: Number, appointment and terms of members; vacancies.
NRS 244A.603. County fair and recreation board in county whose population is 700,000 or more: Number, appointment and terms of members; vacancies.
NRS 244A.605. Vacancies; reorganization of board.
NRS 244A.607. Name of board: Designation; use.
NRS 244A.609. Members: Oath; bond; compensation.
NRS 244A.611. Officers: Election and duties.
NRS 244A.613. Meetings; quorum; seal.
NRS 244A.615. Compliance with Local Government Budget and Finance Act.
NRS 244A.617. Loans by counties for preliminary costs of organization.
NRS 244A.619. Powers and duties of board.
NRS 244A.621. Additional powers of board.
NRS 244A.622. Use of money to pay cost of improving, operating, maintaining or improving access to certain airports.
NRS 244A.623. Transactions extending beyond terms of members.
NRS 244A.625. Appropriation and expenditure of money for recreational facilities in certain counties.
NRS 244A.627. Limitations on powers of board concerning real property in certain counties.
NRS 244A.629. Acceptance of federal aid.
NRS 244A.631. Recreational facilities subject to local zoning and other regulations.
NRS 244A.633. Free tickets and passes restricted.
Bonds for Recreational Facilities
NRS 244A.637. Issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds.
NRS 244A.638. Annual report by Department of Transportation on highway construction projects undertaken with money received from issuance of bonds.
NRS 244A.641. Execution of bonds and coupons.
NRS 244A.643. Sale of bonds; employment of expert services.
NRS 244A.645. Powers of board concerning license taxes assigned or appropriated by cities, towns and counties.
NRS 244A.647. Collected license taxes held in trust.
NRS 244A.649. Refund or credit of payment of license taxes; claim.
NRS 244A.651. Revenue or general obligation bonds secured by pledge of revenues: Establishment, maintenance and revision of schedules of rates and fees.
NRS 244A.653. Debt limit of county whose population is 700,000 or more.
NRS 244A.655. Debt limit of county whose population is less than 700,000.