NRS 239.130. Rerecording of instrument if county records lost or destroyed.
NRS 239.140. Certain deeds prima facie evidence of regularity of proceedings after destruction or loss of records.
NRS 239.150. Restoration of liens, mortgages and judgments if records lost or destroyed; procedure; limitations.
NRS 239.160. Proceeding to establish contents and record of lost or destroyed deed or will; parties defendant.
NRS 239.170. Procedure to establish contents of lost or destroyed deed or will: Complaint; summons; hearing; decree.
NRS 239.180. Character of evidence which court may admit.
NRS 239.190. Proceedings brought in county where property is situated.
NRS 239.200. Where proceedings are brought when county divided after destruction of records.
NRS 239.210. Limitations affecting restored records.
NRS 239.220. Restored records validated.
NRS 239.230. Restoration of judicial records not affecting real property or water rights: Procedure.
NRS 239.240. Restoration of judicial records not affecting real property or water rights: Contents of affidavit filed with court.
NRS 239.250. Court to issue citation upon filing of affidavit.
NRS 239.260. Service of citation on parties residing outside of county or State.
NRS 239.270. Counter-affidavits; hearing; decree.
NRS 239.280. Limitation of record of judgment which has been restored.
NRS 239.290. Taxation of costs.