CHAPTER239. Public Records  

NRS 239.001. Legislative findings and declaration.
NRS 239.005. Definitions.
NRS 239.008. Designation of records official for certain state agencies; forms and procedures applicable to requests for public records.
NRS 239.010. Public books and public records open to inspection; confidential information in public books and records; copyrighted books and records; copies to be prepared by governmental entity and provided in medium requested. [Effective until the date that the provisions of The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance are ratified by the President and the United States deposits its instrument of ratification or July 1, 2015, whichever is sooner.]
NRS 239.010. Public books and public records open to inspection; confidential information in public books and records; copyrighted books and records; copies to be provided in medium requested. [Effective on the date that the provisions of The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance are ratified by the President and the United States deposits its instrument of ratification and through June 30, 2015.]
NRS 239.010. Public books and public records open to inspection; confidential information in public books and records; copyrighted books and records; copies to be provided in medium requested. [Effective on July 1, 2015, until the date that the provisions of The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance are ratified by the President and the United States deposits its instrument of ratification.]
NRS 239.010. Public books and public records open to inspection; confidential information in public books and records; copyrighted books and records; copies to be prepared by governmental entity and provided in medium requested. [Effective on July 1, 2015, or the date that the provisions of The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance are ratified by the President and the United States deposits its instrument of ratification, whichever is later.]
NRS 239.0103. Privatization contracts open to inspection.
NRS 239.0105. Confidentiality of certain records of local governmental entities.
NRS 239.0107. Requests for inspection or copying of public books or records: Actions by governmental entities.
NRS 239.011. Application to court for order allowing inspection or copying, or requiring that copy be provided, of public book or record in legal custody or control of governmental entity for less than 30 years.
NRS 239.0113. Burden of proof where confidentiality of public book or record is at issue.
NRS 239.0115. Application to court for order allowing inspection or copying of public book or record in legal custody or control of governmental entity for at least 30 years; rebuttable presumption; exceptions.
NRS 239.012. Immunity for good faith disclosure or refusal to disclose information.
NRS 239.013. Confidentiality of records of library which identify user with property used.
NRS 239.015. Removal, transfer and storage of records authorized if necessary; copies to be provided upon request.
NRS 239.020. Provision of certified copies of public records to federal Department of Veterans Affairs without charge.
NRS 239.030. Furnishing of certified copies of public records.
NRS 239.051. Requirements before destruction.
NRS 239.052. Fees: Limitations; waiver; posting of sign or notice.
NRS 239.053. Additional fee for transcript of administrative proceedings; money remitted to court reporter; posting of sign or notice.
NRS 239.054. Additional fee for information from geographic information system.
NRS 239.055. Additional fee when extraordinary use of personnel or resources is required; limitation.
NRS 239.070. Use of microfilm or digital images by county recorder for recording; Division to provide microfilming, digital imaging or similar service; requirements; sale of duplicate; disposition of money.
NRS 239.073. Committee to Approve Schedules for the Retention and Disposition of Official State Records: Creation; composition; meetings; rules and regulations.
NRS 239.077. Committee to Approve Schedules for the Retention and Disposition of Official State Records: Duties.
NRS 239.080. State records: Schedules for retention and disposition.
NRS 239.085. State records: Disposition by Department of Transportation.
NRS 239.090. State records: Preservation of obsolete and noncurrent records by Division; right to control records.
NRS 239.110. Judicial records: Destruction; reproductions. [Effective through December 31, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 239.110. Judicial records: Destruction; reproductions. [Effective January 1, 2015, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 239.121. Local governmental records: Definitions.
NRS 239.123. Local governmental records: Submission to Division; accounting; return or reclamation.
NRS 239.124. Local governmental records: Exclusive procedures for destruction.
NRS 239.125. Local governmental records: Program for management; regulations of State Library and Archives Administrator.
NRS 239.130. Rerecording of instrument if county records lost or destroyed.
NRS 239.140. Certain deeds prima facie evidence of regularity of proceedings after destruction or loss of records.
NRS 239.150. Restoration of liens, mortgages and judgments if records lost or destroyed; procedure; limitations.
NRS 239.160. Proceeding to establish contents and record of lost or destroyed deed or will; parties defendant.
NRS 239.170. Procedure to establish contents of lost or destroyed deed or will: Complaint; summons; hearing; decree.
NRS 239.180. Character of evidence which court may admit.
NRS 239.190. Proceedings brought in county where property is situated.
NRS 239.200. Where proceedings are brought when county divided after destruction of records.
NRS 239.210. Limitations affecting restored records.
NRS 239.220. Restored records validated.
NRS 239.230. Restoration of judicial records not affecting real property or water rights: Procedure.
NRS 239.240. Restoration of judicial records not affecting real property or water rights: Contents of affidavit filed with court.
NRS 239.250. Court to issue citation upon filing of affidavit.
NRS 239.260. Service of citation on parties residing outside of county or State.
NRS 239.270. Counter-affidavits; hearing; decree.
NRS 239.280. Limitation of record of judgment which has been restored.
NRS 239.290. Taxation of costs.
NRS 239.300. Stealing, altering or defacing records, documents or instruments.
NRS 239.310. Removing, injuring or concealing public records and documents.
NRS 239.320. Injury to, concealment or falsification of records or papers by public officer.
NRS 239.330. Offering false instrument for filing or record.