NRS 232.010. Definitions.
NRS 232.020. Creation.
NRS 232.030. Director: Creation of position.
NRS 232.040. Director: Selection; qualifications.
NRS 232.050. Director: Appointment; classification; other employment prohibited.
NRS 232.055. Deputy Director: Appointment; assignment of duties; classification; restrictions on other employment.
NRS 232.060. Director: Appointment of staff.
NRS 232.070. Director: Powers and duties.
NRS 232.075. Charges for books, reports and periodicals distributed.
NRS 232.080. Attorney General is counsel for Department; designation and duties of deputy attorney general.
NRS 232.090. Composition of Department.
NRS 232.100. Division of Water Resources: Appointment of State Engineer as executive head; powers and duties.
NRS 232.110. Division of State Lands: Administrator as ex officio State Land Registrar.
NRS 232.120. Division of Forestry: Appointment of State Forester Firewarden as executive head; powers and duties.
NRS 232.135. Division of State Parks: Administrator; duties.
NRS 232.136. Division of Environmental Protection: Composition; appointment of Administrator.
NRS 232.139. Deputies and chief assistants of chiefs of divisions: Appointment; classification; restrictions on other employment.
NRS 232.140. Support of Department; legislative appropriations.
NRS 232.150. Delineation of areas subject to flooding; information to be furnished to planning agencies; cooperation of Division of Public and Behavioral Health of Department of Health and Human Services.
NRS 232.161. Account to Restore the Sagebrush Ecosystem: Creation; duties of Director; limitations on use of money in Account.
NRS 232.162. Sagebrush Ecosystem Council: Creation; members; terms; powers; duties; report to Governor.