Names of Requesters
NRS 218D.250. Certain legislative measures requested by committee must include name of Legislator or organization on whose behalf legislative measure was requested.
Unfunded Mandates
NRS 218D.270. Certain legislative measures must include information relating to unfunded mandates.
Legislative Counsel’s Digest
NRS 218D.290. Certain legislative measures must include digest when practicable; contents and style; revision.
Legal Descriptions of Land
NRS 218D.310. Verification of legal descriptions of land in certain legislative measures.
Effective Dates; Expiration Clauses
NRS 218D.330. Effective date of legislative measure when not specifically prescribed; period during which legislative measure that expires by limitation remains effective.
Tax Exemptions and Abatements
NRS 218D.350. Requirements for certain legislative measures enacting tax exemptions subject to Section 6 of Article 10 of the Nevada Constitution.
NRS 218D.355. Requirements for certain legislative measures authorizing or increasing tax abatements approved by Office of Economic Development.
Population Classifications
NRS 218D.370. Criteria for amending population classifications.
Reports Submitted to Legislature
NRS 218D.380. Requirements for certain legislative measures involving submission of reports to Legislature; Legislative Commission to review and recommend regarding necessity of certain reports.
NRS 218D.385. Director to develop recommendations for elimination or revision of requirements to submit certain reports.