NRS 179.1156. Scope.
NRS 179.1157. Definitions.
NRS 179.1158. “Claimant” defined.
NRS 179.1159. “Plaintiff” defined.
NRS 179.1161. “Proceeds” defined.
NRS 179.1162. “Property” defined.
NRS 179.1163. “Protected interest” defined.
NRS 179.11635. “Willful blindness” defined.
NRS 179.1164. Property subject to seizure and forfeiture; exceptions.
NRS 179.1165. Seizure of property: Requirement of process.
NRS 179.1169. Title in property; transfer.
NRS 179.1171. Proceedings for forfeiture: Rules of practice; complaint; service of summons and complaint; answer; parties.
NRS 179.1173. Proceedings for forfeiture: Priority over other civil matters; motion to stay; standard of proof; conviction of claimant not required; confidentiality of informants; return of property to claimant.
NRS 179.1175. Disposition of property after seizure and forfeiture.
NRS 179.118. Distribution of proceeds from forfeited property.
NRS 179.1185. Issuance of certificate of title for forfeited vehicle or other conveyance.
NRS 179.1187. Establishment of account for proceeds from forfeited property; restrictions on use of money in account; distribution of certain amount to school district; duties of school district and chief administrative officer of law enforcement agency.
NRS 179.119. Reports by law enforcement agencies that receive forfeited property or related proceeds; inclusion of such anticipated revenue in budget prohibited.
NRS 179.121. Forfeiture of personal property and conveyances used in commission of crime.