NRS 176.133. Definitions.
NRS 176.135. Presentence investigation and report: When required; time for completing.
NRS 176.139. Presentence investigation and report: Psychosexual evaluation of certain sex offenders required; standards and methods for conducting evaluation; access to records; rights of confidentiality and privileges deemed waived; costs.
NRS 176.145. Presentence investigation and report: Contents of report.
NRS 176.151. General investigation and report on defendant convicted of category E felony: When required; time for completing; contents of report.
NRS 176.153. Disclosure of report of presentence investigation. [Effective through February 28, 2014.]
NRS 176.153. Disclosure of report of presentence investigation. [Effective March 1, 2014, through September 30, 2014.]
NRS 176.153. Disclosure of report of presentence investigation. [Effective October 1, 2014.]
NRS 176.156. Disclosure of report of presentence or general investigation; persons entitled to use report; confidentiality of report.
NRS 176.159. Delivery of report of presentence or general investigation to Director of Department of Corrections.
NRS 176.161. Portion of certain presentence or general investigations and reports to be paid by county in which indictment found or information filed.