NRS 176.0121. “Commission” defined.
NRS 176.0123. Creation; members and appointing authorities; Chair; terms; vacancies; salaries and per diem; staff.
NRS 176.0124. Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice: Creation; Chair; members; duties; salaries and per diem.
NRS 176.01245. Subcommittee on Victims of Crime: Creation; Chair; members; duties; salaries and per diem.
NRS 176.01246. Subcommittee to Review Arrestee DNA: Creation; Chair; members; duties; salaries and per diem.
NRS 176.01247. Subcommittee on Medical Use of Marijuana: Creation; Chair; members; duties; salaries and per diem. [Effective April 1, 2014.]
NRS 176.0125. Duties of Commission.
NRS 176.01255. Grants, bequests, devises, donations and gifts; Special Account for the Support of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice.
NRS 176.0126. Subpoenas: Power to issue; compelling performance.
NRS 176.0127. Department of Corrections and Division of Parole and Probation to provide information to and assist Commission.
NRS 176.0128. Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History to facilitate data collection and provide data and information to Commission.
NRS 176.0129. Annual projections of persons imprisoned, on probation, on parole and in residential confinement.