NRS 171.178. Appearance before magistrate; release from custody by arresting officer.
NRS 171.182. Proceedings before another magistrate.
NRS 171.184. Proceedings upon complaint for offenses triable in another county.
NRS 171.1845. Proceedings upon discovery of another arrest warrant outstanding in another county.
NRS 171.186. Rights of defendant before preliminary examination.
NRS 171.188. Procedure for appointment of attorney for indigent defendant.
NRS 171.192. Certification of bail; discharge of defendant.
NRS 171.194. Procedure when arrest for capital offense.
NRS 171.196. Preliminary examination: Waiver; time for conducting; postponement; introduction of evidence and cross-examination of witnesses by defendant.
NRS 171.1965. Discovery by defendant before preliminary examination; material subject to discovery; effect of failure to permit discovery.
NRS 171.197. Use of affidavit at preliminary examination: When permitted; notice by district attorney; circumstances under which district attorney must produce person who signed affidavit; continuances.
NRS 171.1975. Use of audiovisual technology to present live testimony at preliminary examination: When permitted; notice by requesting party; opportunity to object; requirements for taking and preserving testimony; limitations on subsequent use.
NRS 171.198. Reporting testimony of witnesses.
NRS 171.202. District attorney to prosecute at preliminary examination where felony or gross misdemeanor charged.
NRS 171.204. Exclusion of persons; exceptions.
NRS 171.206. Procedure following preliminary examination.
NRS 171.208. Remand for preliminary examination.