General Provisions
NRS 125C.0601. Short title. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0603. Definitions. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0605. “Adult” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0607. “Caretaking authority” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0609. “Child” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0611. “Close and substantial relationship” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0613. “Court” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0615. “Custodial responsibility” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0617. “Decision-making authority” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0619. “Deploying parent” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0621. “Deployment” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0623. “Family member” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0625. “Limited contact” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0627. “Nonparent” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0629. “Other parent” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0631. “Record” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0633. “Return from deployment” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0635. “Service member” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0637. “State” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0639. “Uniformed service” defined. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0641. Jurisdiction. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0643. Notice required of deploying parent. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0645. Duty to notify of change of address. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0647. General considerations in custody proceeding of parent’s military service. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
Agreement Addressing Custodial Responsibility During Deployment
NRS 125C.0649. Form of agreement. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0651. Nature of authority created by agreement. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0653. Modification of agreement. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0655. Power of attorney. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0657. Filing agreement or power of attorney with court. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
Judicial Procedure for Granting Custodial Responsibility During Deployment
NRS 125C.0659. Proceeding for temporary custody order. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0661. Expedited hearing. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0663. Testimony by electronic means. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0665. Effect of prior judicial decree or agreement. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0667. Grant of caretaking or decision-making authority to nonparent. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0669. Grant of limited contact. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0671. Nature of authority created by order. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0673. Content of temporary custody order. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0675. Order for child support. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0677. Modifying or terminating grant of custodial responsibility to nonparent. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
Return From Deployment
NRS 125C.0679. Procedure for terminating temporary grant of custodial responsibility established by agreement. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0681. Consent procedure. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0683. Visitation before termination of temporary grant of custodial responsibility. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0685. Termination by operation of law of temporary grant of custodial responsibility established by court order. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0687. Court may hold expedited hearing upon motion alleging immediate danger of irreparable harm. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
Miscellaneous Provisions
NRS 125C.0689. Costs and attorney’s fees. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0691. Uniformity of application and construction. [Effective January 1, 2014.]
NRS 125C.0693. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. [Effective January 1, 2014.]