NRS 119A.010. Definitions.
NRS 119A.020. “Administrator” defined.
NRS 119A.030. “Affiliate of the developer” defined.
NRS 119A.031. “Affiliate of the manager” defined.
NRS 119A.032. “Association” defined.
NRS 119A.033. “Blanket encumbrance” defined.
NRS 119A.034. “Board” defined.
NRS 119A.035. “Branch office” defined.
NRS 119A.036. “Common area” defined.
NRS 119A.038. “Component site” defined.
NRS 119A.040. “Developer” defined.
NRS 119A.041. “Developer’s reserved rights” defined.
NRS 119A.050. “Division” defined.
NRS 119A.052. “Limited common area” defined.
NRS 119A.054. “Manager” defined.
NRS 119A.055. “Material change” defined.
NRS 119A.056. “Owner” defined.
NRS 119A.058. “Permanent identifying number” defined.
NRS 119A.060. “Permit” defined.
NRS 119A.070. “Person” defined.
NRS 119A.080. “Project” defined.
NRS 119A.090. “Project broker” defined.
NRS 119A.100. “Public offering statement” defined.
NRS 119A.110. “Purchaser” defined.
NRS 119A.120. “Representative” defined.
NRS 119A.130. “Sales agent” defined.
NRS 119A.133. “Sales and marketing entity” defined.
NRS 119A.137. “Statement of record” defined.
NRS 119A.140. “Time share” defined.
NRS 119A.150. “Time-share instrument” defined.
NRS 119A.152. “Time-share plan” defined.
NRS 119A.153. “Time-share resale” defined.
NRS 119A.156. “Time-share resale broker” defined.
NRS 119A.160. “Unit” defined.
NRS 119A.170. Applicability of this chapter and chapter 645 of NRS.
NRS 119A.172. Applicability of provisions relating to real estate brokers and sales agents to certain owners who refer prospective purchasers to developer or association or to employee or agent of developer or association.
NRS 119A.174. Applicability of local ordinances, regulations and building codes.
NRS 119A.180. Classification of interest of purchaser.
NRS 119A.190. Regulations; professional consultants; publication of proposed form before adoption and consideration of comments.
NRS 119A.195. Authority for Division to conduct business electronically; regulations; fees; use of unsworn declaration; exclusions.
NRS 119A.200. Limitation on licensing by local governments.