NRS 119.240. Adoption of regulations required.
NRS 119.250. Actions to enjoin violations; intervention.
NRS 119.260. Orders to cease and desist; agreement with developer in lieu of issuance of order.
NRS 119.265. Confidentiality of records: Certain records relating to complaint or investigation deemed confidential; certain records relating to disciplinary action deemed public records.
NRS 119.267. Confidentiality of records: Certain criminal and financial records deemed confidential; exceptions.
NRS 119.270. Hearing officers.
NRS 119.280. Powers of Administrator to take testimony, administer oaths, issue subpoenas and classify confidential records.
NRS 119.290. Service of process; witness fees.
NRS 119.300. Action to compel attendance of witnesses and production of documents.
NRS 119.310. Depositions and discovery.
NRS 119.320. Fees.
NRS 119.322. Disciplinary action for failure to pay money to Real Estate Division.
NRS 119.325. Grounds for imposing fine or suspending, revoking, denying renewal of or placing conditions upon property report, permit, partial registration, exemption or license.
NRS 119.327. Expiration, revocation or surrender of property report, permit, partial registration, exemption, license or registration does not prohibit disciplinary action against holder thereof.
NRS 119.329. Administrative fine for engaging in certain conduct without license, permit, registration or authorization; procedure for imposition of fine; judicial review; exceptions.
NRS 119.330. Unlawful acts; penalties.
NRS 119.340. Provisions of chapter are supplemental.