General Provisions
NRS 116B.800. Jurisdiction.
NRS 116B.805. Administration of chapter; regulations of Commission and Real Estate Administrator; delegation of authority; publications.
NRS 116B.810. Employment of personnel by Real Estate Division; duties of Attorney General; legal opinions by Attorney General.
NRS 116B.815. Ombudsman for Owners in Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels: Powers and duties.
NRS 116B.820. Immunity.
NRS 116B.825. Service of notice and other information upon Commission.
NRS 116B.830. Authority for Real Estate Division to conduct business electronically; regulations; fees; use of unsworn declaration; exclusions.
General Powers and Duties of Commission
NRS 116B.835. Issuance and enforcement of subpoenas.
NRS 116B.840. Witnesses: Payment of fees and mileage.
NRS 116B.845. Conducting hearings and other proceedings; collection of information; development and promotion of educational guidelines; accreditation of programs of education and research.
NRS 116B.850. Establishment of standards for subsidizing proceedings for mediation, arbitration and program and for subsidizing educational programs; acceptance of gifts, grants and donations; agreements and cooperation with other entities.
NRS 116B.855. Appointment of hearing panels; delegation of powers and duties; appeals to Commission.
NRS 116B.860. Use of audio or video teleconference for hearings.
Investigation of Violations; Remedial and Disciplinary Action
NRS 116B.865. “Violation” defined.
NRS 116B.870. Jurisdiction of Real Estate Division, Ombudsman, Commission and hearing panels.
NRS 116B.875. Rights, remedies and penalties are cumulative and not exclusive; limitations on power of Commission and hearing panels regarding internal activities of association.
NRS 116B.880. Confidentiality of records: Certain records relating to complaint or investigation deemed confidential; certain records relating to disciplinary action deemed public records.
NRS 116B.885. Right of person aggrieved by alleged violation to file affidavit with Real Estate Division; procedure for filing affidavit; administrative fine for filing false or fraudulent affidavit.
NRS 116B.890. Referral of affidavit to Ombudsman for assistance in resolving alleged violation; report by Ombudsman; investigation by Real Estate Division; determination of whether to file complaint with Commission.
NRS 116B.895. Procedure for hearing complaints: Time for holding hearing; continuances; notices; evidence; answers; defaults.
NRS 116B.900. Representation by attorney.
NRS 116B.905. Decisions on complaints.
NRS 116B.910. Remedial and disciplinary action: Orders to cease and desist and to correct violations; administrative fines; removal from office or position; payment of costs; exemptions from liability.
NRS 116B.915. Remedial and disciplinary action: Audit of association; appointment of receiver.
NRS 116B.920. Injunctions.