Meetings and Voting  

NRS 116B.520. Meetings of units’ owners of association; frequency of meetings; calling special meetings or removal elections; requirements concerning notice and agendas; dissemination of schedule of fines; requirements concerning minutes of meetings; right of units’ owners to make audio recordings of meetings; presentation of written report concerning budgets for shared expenses.
NRS 116B.525. Meetings of executive board; frequency of meetings; requirements concerning notice and agendas; periodic review of certain financial and legal matters at meetings; requirements concerning minutes of meetings; right of units’ owners to make audio recordings of certain meetings.
NRS 116B.530. Right of units’ owners to speak at certain meetings; limitations on right; limitations on power of executive board to meet in executive session; procedure governing hearings on alleged violations; requirements concerning minutes of certain meetings.
NRS 116B.535. Right of units’ owners to have certain complaints placed on agenda of meeting of executive board.
NRS 116B.540. Meetings regarding civil actions; requirements for commencing or ratifying certain civil actions; right of units’ owners to request dismissal of certain civil actions; disclosure of terms and conditions of settlements.
NRS 116B.545. Quorum.
NRS 116B.550. Voting by units’ owners; use of proxies; voting by lessees of leased units; association prohibited from voting as owner of unit.