NRS 108.221. Definitions.
NRS 108.22104. “Agent of the owner” defined.
NRS 108.22108. “Building” defined.
NRS 108.22112. “Commencement of construction” defined.
NRS 108.22116. “Completion of the work of improvement” defined.
NRS 108.22118. “Construction control” defined.
NRS 108.2212. “Contract” defined.
NRS 108.22124. “Equipment” defined.
NRS 108.22128. “Improvement” defined.
NRS 108.22132. “Lien” defined.
NRS 108.22136. “Lienable amount” defined.
NRS 108.2214. “Lien claimant” defined.
NRS 108.22144. “Material” defined.
NRS 108.22146. “Notice of lien” defined.
NRS 108.22148. “Owner” defined.
NRS 108.22156. “Prevailing lien claimant” defined.
NRS 108.2216. “Prime contract” defined.
NRS 108.22164. “Prime contractor” defined.
NRS 108.22168. “Principal” defined.
NRS 108.22172. “Property” defined.
NRS 108.22176. “Surety” defined.
NRS 108.2218. “Surety bond” defined.
NRS 108.22184. “Work” defined.
NRS 108.22188. “Work of improvement” defined.
NRS 108.222. Lien on property, improvements and construction disbursement account; amount of lien; lien not available to unlicensed contractor or professional who must be licensed to perform work.
NRS 108.225. Priority of liens.
NRS 108.226. Perfection of lien: Time for recording notice of lien; contents of notice of lien; verification; penalty for certain false statements; form for notice of lien; notice of intent to lien required under certain circumstances.
NRS 108.227. Service of copy of notice of lien.
NRS 108.2275. Frivolous or excessive notice of lien: Motion; hearing; consequences of failure to appear; effect on action to foreclose; order; appeal; recording of certified copy of order releasing or reducing notice of lien.
NRS 108.228. Notice of completion: Recording; contents; verification; delivery of copy to each prime contractor and potential lien claimant; effect of failure to deliver copy to prime contractor or lien claimant.
NRS 108.229. Recording and service of amended notice of lien; variances; errors or mistakes do not defeat lien; exceptions; amendments; substitution of defendants; sufficiency of notice of lien.
NRS 108.231. Notice of lien against two or more separate buildings or mining claims: Designation of amount due on each; effect of failure to designate amount due on each.
NRS 108.232. Notice of lien to be recorded; fees of recorder.
NRS 108.233. Duration of lien.
NRS 108.234. Recording of notice of nonresponsibility by disinterested owner; contents and validity of notice of nonresponsibility; service of notice of nonresponsibility upon lessee and prime contractor; prime contractor’s obligations upon receipt of notice of nonresponsibility; effect of owner’s failure to comply with provisions of this section.
NRS 108.235. Amount recoverable by prime contractor; payment of all liens by prime contractor; defense of action on notice of lien; withholding or deduction of money by owner.
NRS 108.236. Court must declare rank of lien claimants or class of lien claimants; application of proceeds.
NRS 108.237. Award of lienable amount, cost of preparing and recording notice of lien, costs of proceedings and representation and other amounts to prevailing lien claimant; calculation of interest; award of costs and attorney’s fees when lien claim not upheld.
NRS 108.238. Right to maintain civil action or submit controversy to arbitration not impaired.
NRS 108.239. Action to enforce notice of lien: Complaint; required notices; joinder of persons holding or claiming notice of lien; consolidation of actions; hearing and judgment; preferential trial setting; binding arbitration; sale of property.
NRS 108.2403. Lessee to record notice of posted security and either establish construction disbursement account or record surety bond before beginning work of improvement; contents of notice of posted security and service thereof; effect of failure to comply with requirements; rights and remedies additional.
NRS 108.2405. Inapplicability of NRS 108.2403 and 108.2407 under certain circumstances; service of notice of waiver of owners’ rights upon prime contractor and lien claimants.
NRS 108.2407. Lien claimant has lien upon funds in construction disbursement account; disbursement of funds from construction disbursement account; lien claimant may notify construction control of claim of lien; construction control to pay legitimate claim of lien; interpleader; liability of construction control.
NRS 108.2413. Release of lien rights or notice of lien by posting surety bond.
NRS 108.2415. Form of surety bond posted to release lien; form of surety bond posted to release all prospective and existing lien rights; recording of surety bond; service; effect of failure of service; effect of recording and service of surety bond.
NRS 108.2421. Action against principal and surety on surety bond and debtor: Action before or after surety bond is recorded; time within which to commence action; preferential trial setting; expert witnesses; amount of award to prevailing lien claimant.
NRS 108.2423. Enforcement of liability of principal and surety. [Effective through December 31, 2014, and after that date unless the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 108.2423. Enforcement of liability of principal and surety. [Effective January 1, 2015, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]
NRS 108.2425. Exception to sufficiency of surety or surety bond; order to require additional security or change, substitute or add securities or for other relief; court may order principal to obtain additional security or to change or substitute securities if amount of surety bond insufficient; surety to remain liable on surety bond regardless of payment of premium.
NRS 108.243. Assignment of lien.
NRS 108.2433. Discharge of notice of lien: Marginal entries; discharge or release must be recorded if notice of lien recorded by photographic process; presentation by lien claimant or lien claimant’s personal representative or assignee.
NRS 108.2437. Discharge of notice of lien: Recording by lien claimant; form; liability for failure to record.
NRS 108.244. Limitation on filing complaint for foreclosure of notice of lien.
NRS 108.245. Notice of right to lien: Form; service; effect.
NRS 108.2453. Waiver or modification of right, obligation or liability set forth in NRS 108.221 to 108.246, inclusive, prohibited; certain conditions, stipulations or provisions of contract for improvement of property or construction, alteration or repair of work of improvement void and unenforceable.
NRS 108.2457. Term of contract that attempts to waive or impair lien rights of contractor, subcontractor or supplier void; requirements for enforceability of waiver or release of rights of lien claimant; effect of payment in form of two-party joint check; forms.
NRS 108.246. Prime contractor to advise owner of content of NRS 108.245; copy to be provided to each subcontractor; failure to comply with requirements constitutes ground for disciplinary action against prime contractor.