NRS704A.270. Rehearings.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The public utility corporation or corporations involved and all owners of real property within the established service district shall be deemed parties to the proceedings for the purposes of applications for rehearings and appeals.

          2.  After an order is issued by the governing body establishing a service district, any party to the proceedings may apply to the governing body for a rehearing. The governing body may grant a rehearing if in its judgment sufficient reason appears therefor.

          3.  No claim arising from an order of the governing body shall accrue in any court to any party to the proceedings unless such party makes application to the governing body for a rehearing within 10 days from the date of receiving notice of the enactment of the ordinance.

          4.  The application for a rehearing shall state specifically the grounds on which it is based and no party to the proceedings shall, in any court, urge or rely on any ground not stated in the application.

          5.  If an application for rehearing is timely filed with the clerk the order shall be suspended until the application is granted or denied. At its next regular meeting following the filing of an application for rehearing the governing body shall either deny the application or grant a rehearing, which shall be held within 15 days from the date of an order granting the rehearing.

          6.  If, after a rehearing and a consideration of all the facts, including those arising since the enactment of the ordinance, the governing body finds that the original ordinance or any part thereof is in any respect unjust or unwarranted or should be changed, the governing body may repeal or amend the ordinance.

      (Added to NRS by 1971, 1237)