NRS704.68877. Requirements and exemptions regarding basic network service.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Commission shall not decrease the rates or pricing of basic network service provided by a competitive supplier, unless the competitive supplier files a general rate application pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2 and the Commission orders a decrease in the rates or pricing of such service in a general rate case proceeding conducted pursuant thereto.

          2.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a competitive supplier that is an incumbent local exchange carrier shall not:

          (a) Without the approval of the Commission, discontinue basic network service or change the terms and conditions of basic network service as set forth in the tariffs of the competitive supplier that were in effect on January 1, 2007.

          (b) Before January 1, 2012, increase the rates or pricing of basic network service as set forth in the tariffs of the competitive supplier that were in effect on January 1, 2007, except that notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter:

                 (1) On or after January 1, 2011, and before January 1, 2012, the competitive supplier may, without the approval of the Commission, increase the rates or pricing of basic network service provided by the competitive supplier but the total of all increases during that period may not result in rates or pricing of basic network service that is more than $1 above the rates or pricing set forth in the tariffs of the competitive supplier that were in effect on January 1, 2007; and

                (2) The Commission may allow the competitive supplier to increase the rates or pricing of basic network service above the amounts authorized by this subsection only if the competitive supplier files a general rate application and proves in a general rate case proceeding conducted pursuant to NRS 704.110 and 704.120 that the increase is absolutely necessary to avoid rates or prices that are confiscatory under the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of this State. In such a general rate case proceeding, the Commission:

                       (I) May allow an increase in the rates or pricing of basic network service provided by the competitive supplier only in an amount that the competitive supplier proves in the general rate case proceeding is absolutely necessary to avoid an unconstitutional result and shall not authorize in the general rate case proceeding any rate, price or other relief for the competitive supplier that is not proven by the competitive supplier to be absolutely necessary to avoid an unconstitutional result; and

                       (II) May order a decrease in the rates or pricing of basic network service provided by the competitive supplier if the Commission determines in the general rate case proceeding that the decrease is necessary to provide customers with just and reasonable rates.

          3.  On or after January 1, 2012:

          (a) A competitive supplier that is an incumbent local exchange carrier may exercise flexibility in the rates, pricing, terms and conditions of basic network service in the same manner permitted for other telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68873; and

          (b) The Commission shall not:

                 (1) Regulate the rates, pricing, terms and conditions of basic network service provided by such a competitive supplier; or

                 (2) Require such a competitive supplier to maintain any schedule or tariff for basic network service.

          4.  For any area in which a competitive supplier is a provider of last resort, the competitive supplier must provide reasonably detailed information concerning the rates, pricing, terms and conditions of basic network service in the manner required by NRS 704.68875.

      (Added to NRS by 2007, 690; A 2013, 1950)