NRS704.140. Free or reduced rates for transportation unlawful; exceptions; penalty.

Latest version.
  •       1.  It is unlawful for any person engaged in business as a public utility to give or furnish to any state, district, county or municipal officer of this State, or to any person other than those named herein, any pass, frank, free or reduced transportation, or for any state, district, county or municipal officer to accept any pass, frank, free or reduced transportation.

          2.  This section does not prevent the carriage, storage or hauling of property free or at reduced rates for the United States, the State of Nevada or any political subdivision thereof for charitable purposes.

          3.  This chapter does not prohibit a public utility from giving free or reduced rates for transportation of:

          (a) Its own officers, commission agents, employees, attorneys, physicians and surgeons and members of their families, and pensioned ex-employees and ex-employees with disabilities, their minor children or dependents, or witnesses attending any legal investigation in which such carrier is interested.

          (b) Inmates of hospitals or charitable institutions and persons over 65 years of age.

          (c) Persons with physical or mental disabilities who present a written statement from a physician to that effect.

          (d) Persons injured in accidents or wrecks and physicians and nurses attending such persons.

          (e) Persons providing relief in cases of common disaster, or for contractors and their employees, in carrying out their contract with such carrier.

          (f) Peace officers when on official duty.

          (g) Attendants of livestock or other property requiring the care of an attendant, including return passage to the place of shipment, if there is no discrimination among such shippers of a similar class.

          (h) Employees of other carriers subject to regulation in any respect by the Commission, or for the officers, agents, employees, attorneys, physicians and surgeons of such other carriers, and the members of their families.

          4.  This chapter does not prohibit public utilities from giving reduced rates for transportation to:

          (a) Indigent, destitute or homeless persons, when under the care or responsibility of charitable societies, institutions or hospitals, and the necessary agents employed in such transportation.

          (b) Students of institutions of learning.

          5.  “Employees,” as used in this section, includes furloughed, pensioned and superannuated employees, and persons who have become disabled or infirm in the service of any such carrier, and persons traveling for the purpose of entering the service of any such carrier.

          6.  Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.

      [21:109:1919; A 1928, 21; 1931, 18; 1947, 74; 1943 NCL § 6121]—(NRS A 1967, 655; 1969, 1157; 1971, 726; 1979, 203)