NRS649.020. “Collection agency” defined.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  “Collection agency” means all persons engaging, directly or indirectly, and as a primary or a secondary object, business or pursuit, in the collection of or in soliciting or obtaining in any manner the payment of a claim owed or due or asserted to be owed or due to another.

          2.  “Collection agency” does not include any of the following unless they are conducting collection agencies:

          (a) Individuals regularly employed on a regular wage or salary, in the capacity of credit men or in other similar capacity upon the staff of employees of any person not engaged in the business of a collection agency or making or attempting to make collections as an incident to the usual practices of their primary business or profession.

          (b) Banks.

          (c) Nonprofit cooperative associations.

          (d) Unit-owners’ associations and the board members, officers, employees and units’ owners of those associations when acting under the authority of and in accordance with chapter 116 or 116B of NRS and the governing documents of the association, except for those community managers included within the term “collection agency” pursuant to subsection 3.

          (e) Abstract companies doing an escrow business.

          (f) Duly licensed real estate brokers, except for those real estate brokers who are community managers included within the term “collection agency” pursuant to subsection 3.

          (g) Attorneys and counselors at law licensed to practice in this State, so long as they are retained by their clients to collect or to solicit or obtain payment of such clients’ claims in the usual course of the practice of their profession.

          3.  “Collection agency”:

          (a) Includes a community manager while engaged in the management of a common-interest community or the management of an association of a condominium hotel if the community manager, or any employee, agent or affiliate of the community manager, performs or offers to perform any act associated with the foreclosure of a lien pursuant to NRS 116.31162 to 116.31168, inclusive, or 116B.635 to 116B.660, inclusive; and

          (b) Does not include any other community manager while engaged in the management of a common-interest community or the management of an association of a condominium hotel.

          4.  As used in this section:

          (a) “Community manager” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 116.023 or 116B.050.

          (b) “Unit-owners’ association” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 116.011 or 116B.030.

      [Part 2:237:1931; 1931 NCL § 1420.01] + [14:237:1931; 1931 NCL § 1420.13]—(NRS A 1969, 835; 2005, 1716, 1867; 2007, 12, 2293)