NRS612.670. Readjustment or modification of assessment.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  At any time within 15 days after the mailing of the notice of assessment, the employer affected thereby may file a verified petition with the Administrator praying for readjustment of the assessment so levied. At the time of filing the petition the employer upon whom an assessment is levied shall deposit a bond executed by him or her as principal, and by a corporation qualified under the laws of this State as surety, payable to the State of Nevada and conditioned upon the employer’s compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The amount of the bond must be determined by the Administrator in such a manner as the Administrator deems proper. In lieu of a bond, the employer may deposit with the Administrator a like amount of lawful money of the United States or any other form of security authorized by NRS 100.065. If security is provided in the form of a savings certificate, certificate of deposit or investment certificate, the certificate must state that the amount is not available for withdrawal except upon order of the Administrator.

          2.  The petition may request a hearing before the Administrator and must specify the objections to the assessment.

          3.  The Administrator may by regulation prescribe the manner in which petitions for modification are determined. The regulations must guarantee to the employer a fair hearing on the question of the employer’s liability for contributions.

          4.  If, at any time within 1 year following the date of mailing of a notice of assessment, it appears to the satisfaction of the Administrator that any assessment is unreasonable or unjust, or not in conformity with the facts, the Administrator may modify the assessment to conform to the facts, as of the date of the original assessment.

          5.  The order or decision of the Administrator modifying an assessment is final, and the sum therein specified becomes payable 10 days after the date of mailing notice of the order or decision to the employer.

      [Part 14 1/2:129:1937; added 1939, 115; renumbered 14.1:129:1937 and A 1941, 412; A 1949, 257; 1955, 698]—(NRS A 1989, 1076; 1993, 1847)