NRS575.050. Governor authorized to enter into agreements with United States concerning financial aid; Livestock Aid Fund.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Governor may enter into agreements with the United States, its departments or agencies, respecting the granting and extending of financial aid, or any other form of benefits, to the State for the benefit of persons, firms or corporations engaged in the livestock or agriculture industry.

          2.  Before any such agreement is entered into, the Governor, after diligent inquiry, shall determine by proclamation that such an emergency exists as in the interests of the livestock or agriculture industry of the State warrants a request for federal aid, money or such other type of benefit as may be available. After issuing the proclamation, the Governor may match available federal money, or benefits, from the Livestock Aid Fund, not to exceed the total sum of $30,000. If an emergency has been proclaimed by the Governor, the Director of the State Department of Agriculture may expend money in the Livestock Aid Fund, as the interests of the livestock or agriculture industry of the State may require, without federal participation in the form of aid, money or other benefits.

          3.  There is hereby created in the State Treasury the Livestock Aid Fund. Money for the Livestock Aid Fund must be provided as needed by the State Board of Examiners from its Emergency Fund, and may be used only to carry out the provisions of this section.

          4.  The Governor, or such commission, department or agency of the State of Nevada as the Governor may designate and entrust with the disbursement of the money or benefits made available, may adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the proper administration thereof, and if the benefits are in the form of money, each expenditure from the Fund must be approved by the State Board of Examiners in the manner provided generally for the payment of claims against the State.

          5.  The State of Nevada, through the acts of its Governor, in accepting the agreements entered into, is obligated to perform the agreements fully as to all the terms thereof for the duration of the agreements.

      [1:9:1954] + [2:9:1954] + [3:9:1954] + [4:9:1954] + [5:9:1954]—(NRS A 1961, 555; 1963, 101; 1971, 123; 1977, 329; 1993, 1759; 1999, 3699)