NRS544.220. Suspension or revocation of license or permit: Grounds; modification of terms.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Director may suspend or revoke any license or permit issued if it appears that the licensee no longer possesses the qualifications necessary for the issuance of a new license or permit. The Director may suspend or revoke any license or permit if it appears that the licensee has violated any of the provisions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive. Such suspension or revocation shall occur only after notice to the licensee and a reasonable opportunity granted such licensee to be heard respecting the grounds for the proposed suspension or revocation. The Director may refuse to renew the license of, or to issue another permit to, any applicant who has failed to comply with any provisions of NRS 544.070 to 544.240, inclusive.

          2.  The Director may modify the terms of a permit after issuance thereof if the licensee is first given notice and a reasonable opportunity for a hearing respecting the grounds for the proposed modification and if it appears to the Director that it is necessary for the protection of the health or the property of any person to make the modification proposed.

      (Added to NRS by 1961, 696)