NRS497.090. Airport zoning commission: Appointment; recommendation of boundaries of zones to be established; report; public hearings.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Prior to the initial zoning of any airport hazard area under this chapter, the political subdivision or joint airport zoning board may:

          (a) Adopt the regulations.

          (b) Appoint a commission to be known as the airport zoning commission.

          (c) Recommend the boundaries of the various zones to be established and the regulations to be adopted therefor.

          2.  The commission shall make a preliminary report and hold public hearings thereon before submitting its final report, and the legislative body of the political subdivision or the joint airport zoning board shall not hold its public hearings or take other action until it has received the final report of the commission.

          3.  Where a city planning commission or comprehensive zoning commission already exists, it may be appointed as the airport zoning commission.

          4.  At least 15 days’ notice of each public hearing by the commission shall be given to all public utilities owning facilities in the area involved.

      [8:205:1947; 1943 NCL § 5064.08]