NRS445B.835. Administrative fine; hearing; additional remedies to compel compliance.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Department of Motor Vehicles may impose an administrative fine, not to exceed $2,500, for a violation of any provision of NRS 445B.700 to 445B.845, inclusive, or any rule, regulation or order adopted or issued pursuant thereto. The Department shall afford to any person so fined an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the provisions of NRS 233B.121.

          2.  All administrative fines collected by the Department pursuant to subsection 1 must be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the Pollution Control Account.

          3.  In addition to any other remedy provided by NRS 445B.700 to 445B.845, inclusive, the Department may compel compliance with any provision of NRS 445B.700 to 445B.845, inclusive, and any rule, regulation or order adopted or issued pursuant thereto, by injunction or other appropriate remedy and the Department may institute and maintain in the name of the State of Nevada any such enforcement proceedings.

      (Added to NRS by 1991, 756; A 1993, 553; 2001, 2623)