NRS426.675. Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind is hereby created within the State General Fund and must be managed by the Administrator of the Division.

          2.  Money received by the Bureau under the provisions of NRS 426.670, except commissions assigned to licensed vending stand operators, must:

          (a) Be deposited in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

          (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, remain in the Account and not revert to the State General Fund.

          (c) Be used for:

                 (1) Purchasing, maintaining or replacing vending stands or the equipment therein;

                 (2) Maintaining a stock of equipment, parts, accessories and merchandise used or planned for use in the Vending Stand Program; and

                 (3) Other purposes, consistent with NRS 426.640, as may be provided by regulation.

          3.  Purchases made pursuant to paragraph (c) of subsection 2 are exempt from the provisions of the State Purchasing Act at the discretion of the Administrator of the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration or his or her designated representative, but the Bureau shall:

          (a) Maintain current inventory records of all equipment, parts, accessories and merchandise charged to the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind;

          (b) Conduct a periodic physical count of all such equipment, parts, accessories and merchandise; and

          (c) Reconcile the results of the periodic physical count with the inventory records and cash balance in the Account.

          4.  If the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind is dissolved or the Vending Stand Program is terminated, the Administrator of the Division shall, within 60 days after the dissolution or termination:

          (a) Provide an accounting of the money remaining in the Account to all licensed vending stand operators; and

          (b) Distribute any money remaining in the Account to each such operator in the same proportion as the money deposited in the Account and attributable to that operator bears to all the money remaining in the Account.

    Ê The Division shall, in consultation with the Nevada Committee of Blind Vendors or its successor organization, adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of this subsection.

          5.  Money from any source which may lawfully be used for the Vending Stand Program may be transferred or deposited by the Bureau to the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind.

          6.  The interest and income earned on the money in the Business Enterprise Account for Persons Who Are Blind, after deducting any applicable charges, must be credited to the Account.

      (Added to NRS by 1961, 330; A 1963, 923; 1965, 774; 1973, 74, 1394; 1975, 199; 1977, 44; 1983, 1585; 1989, 1471; 1993, 1618; 2005, 115; 2013, 828)