NRS422.4055. Advisory Committee to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and the Drug Use Review Board: Creation; membership; Chair; terms; vacancies; members serve without compensation; members entitled to per diem; members holding public office or employed by governmental entity.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The Advisory Committee to the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and the Drug Use Review Board consisting of three members is hereby created in the Department to advise the Committee and the Drug Use Review Board concerning prescription drugs that are used by seniors, persons who are mentally ill or persons with disabilities.

          2.  The Director of the Department shall appoint to the Advisory Committee:

          (a) One member appointed from a list of persons provided to the Department by the American Association of Retired Persons or any successor organization;

          (b) One member appointed from a list of persons provided to the Department by the Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Nevada or any successor organization; and

          (c) One member appointed from a list of persons provided to the Department by the Statewide Independent Living Council established in this State pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 796d.

          3.  The Director shall appoint the Chair of the Advisory Committee from among its members.

          4.  After the initial terms, the term of each member of the Advisory Committee is 2 years. A member may be reappointed. A vacancy occurring in the membership of the Advisory Committee must be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.

          5.  Members of the Advisory Committee serve without compensation, except that a member of the Advisory Committee is entitled, while engaged in the business of the Advisory Committee, to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

          6.  Each member of the Advisory Committee who is an officer or employee of the State of Nevada or a local government must be relieved from his or her duties without loss of any regular compensation so that the officer or employee may prepare for and attend meetings of the Advisory Committee and perform any work necessary to carry out the duties of the Advisory Committee in the most timely manner practicable. A state agency or local governmental entity shall not require an officer or employee who is a member of the Advisory Committee to make up the time that the officer or employee is absent from work to carry out any duties as a member of the Advisory Committee or to use annual vacation or compensatory time for the absence.

      (Added to NRS by 2003, 1320)