NRS403.590. Payment from general fund or levy of special tax for construction, maintenance or repair of county bridge. [Effective until the earlier of October 1, 2015, or the date on which the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles notifies the Governor and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau that sufficient resources are available to enable the Department to carry out the provisions of chapter 472, Statutes of Nevada 2013, at page 2812.]  

Latest version.
  •   Whenever it appears to the board of county commissioners that any road district is or would be unreasonably burdened by the expense of constructing or maintenance and repair of any bridge, the board may:

          1.  Cause all or a portion of the aggregate cost or expense to be paid out of the county general fund, or a portion out of that fund or out of any other county fund in which there is a surplus; or

          2.  Levy a tax therefor, not to exceed one-fourth of 1 percent on the taxable property in the county, annually, until the amount appropriated is raised and paid.

      [2:42:1877; BH § 467; C § 436; RL § 3018; NCL § 5406]—(NRS A 1979, 795)