NRS391.31297. Grounds for suspension, demotion, dismissal and refusal to reemploy teachers and administrators; consideration of evaluations and standards of performance.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  A teacher may be suspended, dismissed or not reemployed and an administrator may be demoted, suspended, dismissed or not reemployed for the following reasons:

          (a) Inefficiency;

          (b) Immorality;

          (c) Unprofessional conduct;

          (d) Insubordination;

          (e) Neglect of duty;

          (f) Physical or mental incapacity;

          (g) A justifiable decrease in the number of positions due to decreased enrollment or district reorganization;

          (h) Conviction of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude;

          (i) Inadequate performance;

          (j) Evident unfitness for service;

          (k) Failure to comply with such reasonable requirements as a board may prescribe;

          (l) Failure to show normal improvement and evidence of professional training and growth;

          (m) Advocating overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Nevada by force, violence or other unlawful means, or the advocating or teaching of communism with the intent to indoctrinate pupils to subscribe to communistic philosophy;

          (n) Any cause which constitutes grounds for the revocation of a teacher’s license;

          (o) Willful neglect or failure to observe and carry out the requirements of this title;

          (p) Dishonesty;

          (q) Breaches in the security or confidentiality of the questions and answers of the examinations that are administered pursuant to NRS 389.550 or 389.805 and the college and career readiness assessment administered pursuant to NRS 389.807.

          (r) Intentional failure to observe and carry out the requirements of a plan to ensure the security of examinations and assessments adopted pursuant to NRS 389.616 or 389.620;

          (s) An intentional violation of NRS 388.5265 or 388.527;

          (t) Gross misconduct; or

          (u) An intentional failure to report a violation of NRS 388.135 if the teacher or administrator witnessed the violation.

          2.  In determining whether the professional performance of a licensed employee is inadequate, consideration must be given to the regular and special evaluation reports prepared in accordance with the policy of the employing school district and to any written standards of performance which may have been adopted by the board.

          3.  As used in this section, “gross misconduct” includes any act or omission that is in wanton, willful, reckless or deliberate disregard of the interests of a school or school district or a pupil thereof.

      (Added to NRS by 1967, 968; A 1973, 791; 1987, 1004; 1999, 1434, 3241; 2001, 1211; 2011, 2246, 2285; 2013, 3281)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 391.312)