NRS391.3127. Policy for evaluations of administrators; number of evaluations and observation schedule; request by postprobationary administrator for another evaluator; recommendations and assistance for employee; procedures for transfer or reassignment and appeal to board.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Each board, following consultation with and involvement of elected representatives of administrative personnel or their designated representatives, shall develop an objective policy for the objective evaluation of administrators in narrative form. The policy must provide for the evaluation of those administrators who provide primarily administrative services at the school level and who do not provide primarily direct instructional services to pupils, regardless of whether such an administrator is licensed as a teacher or administrator, including, without limitation, a principal and a vice principal. The policy must comply with the statewide performance evaluation system established by the State Board pursuant to NRS 391.465. The policy must set forth a means according to which an administrator’s overall performance is determined to be highly effective, effective, minimally effective or ineffective. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 8, the policy must require that pupil achievement data, as prescribed by the State Board pursuant to NRS 391.465, account for at least 50 percent of the evaluation. The policy may include an evaluation by the administrator, superintendent, pupils or other administrators or any combination thereof. A copy of the policy adopted by the board must be filed with the Department and made available to the Commission.

          2.  The person charged with the evaluation of an administrator pursuant to this section shall hold a conference with the administrator before and after each scheduled observation of the administrator during the school year.

          3.  A probationary administrator must be evaluated three times during each school year of his or her probationary employment. Each evaluation must include at least one scheduled observation of the probationary administrator during the school year as follows:

          (a) The first scheduled observation must occur within 40 days after the first day of instruction of the school year;

          (b) The second scheduled observation must occur after 40 days but within 80 days after the first day of instruction of the school year; and

          (c) The third scheduled observation must occur after 80 days but within 120 days after the first day of instruction of the school year.

          4.  If a postprobationary administrator receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as minimally effective or ineffective, the postprobationary administrator must be evaluated three times in the immediately succeeding school year in accordance with the observation schedule set forth in subsection 3. If a postprobationary administrator is evaluated three times in a school year and he or she receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as minimally effective or ineffective on the first or second evaluation, or both evaluations, the postprobationary administrator may request that the third evaluation be conducted by another administrator. If a postprobationary administrator requests that his or her third evaluation be conducted by another administrator, that administrator must be:

          (a) Employed by the school district or, if the school district has five or fewer administrators, employed by another school district in this State; and

          (b) Selected by the postprobationary administrator from a list of three candidates submitted by the superintendent.

          5.  If a postprobationary administrator receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as effective, the postprobationary administrator must be evaluated one time in the immediately succeeding school year. The evaluation must include at least two scheduled observations as follows:

          (a) The first scheduled observation must occur within 80 days after the first day of instruction of the school year; and

          (b) The second scheduled observation must occur after 80 days but within 120 days after the first day of instruction of the school year.

          6.  If a postprobationary administrator receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as highly effective, the postprobationary administrator must be evaluated one time in the immediately succeeding school year. The evaluation must include at least one scheduled observation which must occur within 120 days after the first day of instruction of the school year.

          7.  The evaluation of an administrator pursuant to this section must comply with the regulations of the State Board adopted pursuant to NRS 391.465, which must include, without limitation:

          (a) An evaluation of the instructional leadership practices of the administrator at the school;

          (b) An evaluation of the professional responsibilities of the administrator to support learning and promote the effectiveness of the school community;

          (c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 8, an evaluation of the performance of pupils enrolled in the school;

          (d) An evaluation of whether the administrator employs practices and strategies to involve and engage the parents and families of pupils enrolled in the school;

          (e) Recommendations for improvements in the performance of the administrator; and

          (f) A description of the action that will be taken to assist the administrator in the areas of instructional leadership practice, professional responsibilities and the performance of pupils.

          8.  The evaluation of a probationary administrator in his or her initial year of probationary employment must not include an evaluation of the performance of pupils enrolled in the school. This subsection does not apply to a postprobationary employee who is deemed to be a probationary employee pursuant to NRS 391.3129.

          9.  Each probationary administrator is subject to the provisions of NRS 391.3128 and 391.3197.

          10.  Before a superintendent transfers or assigns an administrator to another administrative position as part of an administrative reorganization, if the transfer or reassignment is to a position of lower rank, responsibility or pay, the superintendent shall give written notice of the proposed transfer or assignment to the administrator at least 30 days before the date on which it is to be effective. The administrator may appeal the decision of the superintendent to the board by requesting a hearing in writing to the president of the board within 5 days after receiving the notice from the superintendent. The board shall hear the matter within 10 days after the president receives the request, and shall render its decision within 5 days after the hearing. The decision of the board is final.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 790; A 1975, 615; 1979, 1608, 1831; 1985, 1085; 1987, 1005; 2011, 2289, 2290, 3090, 3091; 2013, 3153)