NRS387.3035. Duties of Department: Determination of apportionment of state school money; development of uniform system of budgeting and accounting; continuing study of state school finance; preparation of biennial budgets.  

Latest version.
  •   The Department shall:

          1.  Determine the apportionment of all state school money to schools of the State as prescribed by law.

          2.  Develop for public schools of the State a uniform system of budgeting and accounting. The system must provide for the separate reporting of expenditures for each:

          (a) School district; and

          (b) School within a school district.

    Ê Upon approval of the State Board, the system is mandatory for all public schools in this State and must be enforced as provided in subsection 2 of NRS 387.3037.

          3.  Carry on a continuing study of school finance in the State, particularly the method by which schools are financed on the state level, and make such recommendations to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for submission to the State Board as the Department deems advisable.

          4.  Recommend to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for submission to the State Board such changes in budgetary and financial procedures as the studies may show to be advisable.

          5.  Perform such other statistical and financial duties pertaining to the administration and finances of the schools of the State as may be required by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

          6.  Prepare for the Superintendent of Public Instruction the biennial budgets of the Department for consideration by the State Board and submission to the Governor.

      [31:32:1956]—(NRS A 1959, 800; 1965, 1149; 1969, 168; 1979, 1571; 1987, 828; 1997, 1767; 2013, 2634)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 385.310)