NRS386.535. Revocation of written charter or termination of charter contract by sponsor: Grounds; written notice; opportunity to correct deficiencies; public hearing; notice to Department. [Effective through December 31, 2019.]  

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  •   Except as otherwise provided in NRS 386.5351:

          1.  The sponsor of a charter school may revoke a written charter or terminate a charter contract before the expiration of the charter if the sponsor determines that:

          (a) The charter school, its officers or its employees:

                 (1) Committed a material breach of the terms and conditions of the written charter or charter contract;

                 (2) Failed to comply with generally accepted standards of fiscal management;

                 (3) Failed to comply with the provisions of NRS 386.490 to 386.649, inclusive, or any other statute or regulation applicable to charter schools; or

                 (4) If the charter school holds a charter contract, has persistently underperformed, as measured by the performance indicators, measures and metrics set forth in the performance framework for the charter school;

          (b) The charter school has filed for a voluntary petition of bankruptcy, is adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, or is otherwise financially impaired such that the charter school cannot continue to operate; or

          (c) There is reasonable cause to believe that revocation or termination is necessary to protect the health and safety of the pupils who are enrolled in the charter school or persons who are employed by the charter school from jeopardy, or to prevent damage to or loss of the property of the school district or the community in which the charter school is located.

          2.  Before the sponsor revokes a written charter or terminates a charter contract, the sponsor shall provide written notice of its intention to the governing body of the charter school. The written notice must:

          (a) Include a statement of the deficiencies or reasons upon which the action of the sponsor is based;

          (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, prescribe a period, not less than 30 days, during which the charter school may correct the deficiencies, including, without limitation, the date on which the period to correct the deficiencies begins and the date on which that period ends;

          (c) Prescribe the date on which the sponsor will make a determination regarding whether the charter school has corrected the deficiencies, which determination may be made during the public hearing held pursuant to subsection 3; and

          (d) Prescribe the date on which the sponsor will hold a public hearing to consider whether to revoke the written charter or terminate the charter contract.

          3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, not more than 90 days after the notice is provided pursuant to subsection 2, the sponsor shall hold a public hearing to make a determination regarding whether to revoke the written charter or terminate the charter contract. If the charter school corrects the deficiencies to the satisfaction of the sponsor within the time prescribed in paragraph (b) of subsection 2, the sponsor shall not revoke the written charter or terminate the charter contract of the charter school. The sponsor may not include in a written notice pursuant to subsection 2 any deficiency which was included in a previous written notice and which was corrected by the charter school, unless the deficiency recurred after being corrected.

          4.  The sponsor of a charter school and the governing body of the charter school may enter into a written agreement that prescribes different time periods than those set forth in subsections 2 and 3.

          5.  If the written charter is revoked or the charter contract is terminated, the sponsor of the charter school shall submit a written report to the Department and the governing body of the charter school setting forth the reasons for the termination not later than 10 days after revoking the written charter or terminating the charter contract.

      (Added to NRS by 1997, 1848; A 1999, 3296; 2005, 2401; 2011, 3051; 2013, 2922)