NRS354.6215. Limitation on use of reserves or balances of funds created to insure risks.  

Latest version.
  •   Except as otherwise provided in NRS 354.6241, if a local government provides a fund for self-insurance of property, for any form of insurance for the benefit of its employees, or for any other risk that it is permitted by law to assume, the reserves or balance of a fund thus provided must not be expended for any purpose other than that for which the fund was established, except that when the governing body deems the reserve or balance to be no longer required, either in whole or in part, it shall transfer the excess balance to the general fund of the local government. Any such transfer must be reported to the Department of Taxation within 30 days. Money so transferred is not available as a basis for augmentation of the local government’s budget during the year of transfer.

      (Added to NRS by 1981, 310; A 1995, 1934)