NRS349.238. Annual levy of special tax to pay interest on and retire securities issued as general obligations; proceeds of tax kept in two special funds. [Effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election.]  

Latest version.
  •       1.  There must be levied annually a special tax on all property, both real and personal, subject to taxation within the boundaries of the State of Nevada, that is fully sufficient, together with the revenue which will result from application of the rate to the net proceeds from mineral extraction and royalties subject to the excise tax pursuant to the provisions of NRS 362.100 to 362.240, inclusive, and without regard to any statutory limitations now or hereafter existing, to pay the interest on the general obligation state securities and to pay and retire the securities as provided in the State Securities Law and in any act supplemental hereto. The amount of money to be raised by the tax must be included in the annual estimate or budget for each county in the state for each year for which the tax is hereby required to be levied. The tax must be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected.

          2.  The proceeds thereof levied to pay interest on the securities must be kept by the State Treasurer in a special fund, separate and apart from all other funds, and the proceeds of the tax levied to pay the principal of the securities must be kept by the Treasurer in a special fund, separate and apart from all other funds. The two special funds must be used for no other purpose than the payment of the interest on the securities and the principal thereof, respectively, when due.

      (Added to NRS by 1967, 778; A 1989, 44; 2013, 3135, effective November 25, 2014, if the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 (2011) are approved and ratified by the voters at the 2014 General Election)