NRS333.420. Delivery of supplies, material and equipment: Memoranda of shipments and invoices to be transmitted by seller.  

Latest version.
  •   Every person, firm or corporation making or causing to be made any delivery of supplies, materials or equipment to any using agency of the State pursuant to any contract or order, whether oral or written, and whether made by the Administrator or by any other officer or agency of the State, promptly shall:

          1.  Transmit to the agency to which such delivery is made a memorandum of shipment, showing the number of, or other identifying reference to, the contract or order number under which the delivery is made and containing a statement of the commodities shipped and the quantities thereof.

          2.  Submit an invoice to the Administrator on the form and in the number of copies prescribed by the Administrator or under the authority of the Administrator.

      [33:333:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 1059)