NRS293C.527. Close of registration; exception; office of city clerk to be open certain hours during last days before registration closes; publication of day and time registration closes; elector required to register to vote in person or by computer during certain period; hours of operation for municipal facility for voter registration.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 293.502, 293D.230 and 293D.300, registration must close on the third Tuesday preceding any primary city election or general city election and on the third Saturday preceding any recall or special election, except that if a recall or special election is held on the same day as a primary city election or general city election, registration must close on the third Tuesday preceding the day of the elections.

          2.  For a primary city election or special city election, the office of the city clerk must be open until 7 p.m. during the last 2 days on which registration is open. In a city whose population is less than 25,000, the office of the city clerk may close at 5 p.m. if approved by the governing body of the city.

          3.  For a general election:

          (a) In a city whose population is less than 25,000, the office of the city clerk must be open until 7 p.m. during the last 2 days on which registration is open. The office of the city clerk may close at 5 p.m. if approved by the governing body of the city.

          (b) In a city whose population is 25,000 or more, the office of the city clerk must be open during the last 4 days on which registration is open, according to the following schedule:

                 (1) On weekdays until 9 p.m.; and

                 (2) A minimum of 8 hours on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.

          4.  Except for a special election held pursuant to chapter 306 or 350 of NRS:

          (a) The city clerk of each city shall cause a notice signed by him or her to be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the city indicating:

                 (1) The day and time that registration will be closed; and

                 (2) If the city clerk has designated a municipal facility pursuant to NRS 293C.520, the location of that facility.

    Ê If no newspaper is of general circulation in that city, the publication may be made in a newspaper of general circulation in the nearest city in this State.

          (b) The notice must be published once each week for 4 consecutive weeks next preceding the close of registration for any election.

          5.  For the period beginning on the fifth Sunday preceding any primary city election or general city election and ending on the third Tuesday preceding any primary city election or general city election, an elector may register to vote only:

          (a) By appearing in person at the office of the city clerk or, if open, a municipal facility designated pursuant to NRS 293C.520; or

          (b) By computer, if the county clerk of the county in which the city is located has established a system pursuant to NRS 293.506 for using a computer to register voters.

          6.  A municipal facility designated pursuant to NRS 293C.520 may be open during the periods described in this section for such hours of operation as the city clerk may determine, as set forth in subsection 3 of NRS 293C.520.

      (Added to NRS by 1997, 3441; A 2003, 1726, 2189; 2005, 313; 2011, 1931, 3073; 2013, 3829)