NRS287.0278. Coverage for chemotherapy administered orally; duties when such coverage is provided by local governmental agency that provides health insurance through plan of self-insurance. [Effective through December 31, 2013.]  

Latest version.
  •       1.  The governing body of any county, school district, municipal corporation, political subdivision, public corporation or other local governmental entity of the State of Nevada that provides health insurance through a plan of self-insurance which provides coverage for the treatment of cancer through the use of chemotherapy shall not:

          (a) Require a copayment, deductible or coinsurance amount for chemotherapy administered orally by means of a prescription drug in a combined amount that is more than $100 per prescription.

          (b) Make the coverage subject to monetary limits that are less favorable for chemotherapy administered orally by means of a prescription drug than the monetary limits applicable to chemotherapy which is administered by injection or intravenously.

          (c) Decrease the monetary limits applicable to such chemotherapy administered orally by means of a prescription drug or to chemotherapy which is administered by injection or intravenously to meet the requirements of this section.

          2.  A plan of self-insurance subject to the provisions of this chapter which provides coverage for the treatment of cancer through the use of chemotherapy and that is delivered, issued for delivery or renewed on or after January 1, 2015, has the legal effect of providing that coverage subject to the requirements of this section, and any provision of the plan or the renewal which is in conflict with this section is void.

          3.  Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring the governing body of any county, school district, municipal corporation, political subdivision, public corporation or other local governmental entity of the State of Nevada that provides health insurance through a plan of self-insurance to provide coverage for the treatment of cancer through the use of chemotherapy administered by injection or intravenously or administered orally by means of a prescription drug.

      (Added to NRS by 2013, 2002)