NRS278A.540. What constitutes substantial compliance with plan tentatively approved.  

Latest version.
  •   The plan submitted for final approval is in substantial compliance with the plan previously given tentative approval if any modification by the landowner of the plan as tentatively approved does not:

          1.  Vary the proposed gross residential density or intensity of use;

          2.  Vary the proposed ratio of residential to nonresidential use;

          3.  Involve a reduction of the area set aside for common open space or the substantial relocation of such area;

          4.  Substantially increase the floor area proposed for nonresidential use; or

          5.  Substantially increase the total ground areas covered by buildings or involve a substantial change in the height of buildings.

    Ê A public hearing need not be held to consider modifications in the location and design of streets or facilities for water and for disposal of storm water and sanitary sewage.

      (Added to NRS by 1973, 574; A 1977, 1525; 1981, 139)