NRS277.215. Violation of certain provisions of Code of Ordinances of Tahoe Regional Planning Agency: Peace officer authorized to take various actions; reporting of name and address of violator; exception. [Effective through September 30, 2015, and after that date if: (1) on or before January 1, 2014, the Governor of this State issues a proclamation that the State of California has enacted legislation which satisfies the requirements set forth in section 7 of chapter 424, Statutes of Nevada 2013, at page 2368; or (2) by September 30, 2015, the amendments to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact proposed by this State in 2011 are approved pursuant to Public Law 96-551, the State of California enacts amendments that are substantially identical to those amendments and the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency adopts an update to the 1987 Regional Plan; or effective through September 30, 2017, if: (1) on or before January 1, 2014, the Governor of this State does not issue a proclamation that the State of California has enacted legislation which satisfies the requirements set forth in section 7 of chapter 424, Statutes of Nevada 2013, at page 2368; or (2) the amendments to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact proposed by this State in 2011 are not approved pursuant to Public Law 96-551, the State of California has not enacted amendments that are substantially identical to those amendments and the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has not adopted an update to the 1987 Regional Plan by July 1, 2015, and the Governor of this State issues a proclamation before October 1, 2015, that those events are likely to take place in the reasonably foreseeable future but those events do not take place by September 30, 2017.]  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, every game warden, sheriff and other peace officer of this state and its political subdivisions may issue one or more of the following:

          (a) Educational material provided by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency;

          (b) An oral advisory; or

          (c) A warning citation,

    Ê to a person who violates, within the portion of the region that is within the waters of this state, section 54.16(A), 54.16(B) or 81.2(E) of the Code of Ordinances adopted by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and in effect on April 1, 1999.

          2.  A game warden, sheriff or other peace officer who issues a warning citation pursuant to subsection 1 shall report the name and address of the person to whom such warning was issued to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.

          3.  An agency that provides law enforcement or other public safety services is not subject to the provisions of section 54.16(A), 54.16(B) or 81.2(E) of the Code of Ordinances adopted by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and in effect on April 1, 1999, when performing its official duties during an emergency or disaster on the waters of Lake Tahoe if such duties are performed in an effort to protect life or property.

          4.  As used in this section:

          (a) “Region” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 277.200.

          (b) “Waters of this state” means any waters within the territorial limits of this state.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 741; R 2011, 3740; 2013, 2366, 2367, effective October 1, 2015, unless: (1) on or before January 1, 2014, the Governor of this State issues a proclamation that the State of California has enacted legislation which satisfies the requirements set forth in section 7 of chapter 424, Statutes of Nevada 2013, at page 2368; or (2) before October 1, 2015, the amendments to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact proposed by this State in 2011 are approved pursuant to Public Law 96-551, the State of California enacts amendments that are substantially identical to those amendments, and the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency adopts an update to the 1987 Regional Plan, or effective October 1, 2017, if: (1) on or before January 1, 2014, the Governor of this State does not issue a proclamation that the State of California has enacted legislation which satisfies the requirements set forth in section 7 of chapter 424, Statutes of Nevada 2013, at page 2368; and (2) the amendments to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact proposed by this State in 2011 are not approved pursuant to Public Law 96-551, the State of California has not enacted amendments that are substantially identical to those amendments and the governing board of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has not adopted an update to the 1987 Regional Plan by July 1, 2015, and the Governor of this State issues a proclamation before October 1, 2015, that those events are likely to take place in the reasonably foreseeable future but those events do not take place by September 30, 2017; A 2013, 2366, 2367, 3838)