NRS271.590. Sale of property by municipality after expiration of period of redemption; notice; public auction; disposition of proceeds.  

Latest version.
  •   Any municipality may at any time after the period of redemption has expired and deeds have been issued to the municipality by virtue of any proceedings under NRS 271.540 to 271.580, inclusive, sell any such property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. No bid may be accepted for any amount less than the amount set forth in the deed, plus accrued interest as aforesaid on the assessment as aforesaid. The municipality shall pay into the credit of the district for which the property was held in trust an amount necessary fully to cancel the assessment for which the property was sold, together with all penalties and interest thereon. Any such sale shall be conducted only after notice describing the property has been given, and stating that the treasurer will, on the date specified, sell the property at a convenient location within the municipality selected by the governing body, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and continue the sale from day to day, or withdraw the property from sale after the first day if the treasurer deems that the interests of the municipality so require. Notice of the sale shall be given:

          1.  By publication; and

          2.  By mail.

      (Added to NRS by 1969, 950)