NRS271.450. Procedure to place previously omitted property upon assessment roll.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Whenever by mistake, inadvertence or for any cause any tract otherwise subject to assessment, within any improvement district, shall have been omitted from the assessment roll for such project, the governing body of the municipality may, upon its own motion or upon the application of the owner of any tract within such improvement district charged with the lien of an assessment for any project, assess the same in accordance with the special benefits accruing to such omitted property by reason of such project, and in proportion to the assessments levied upon other tracts in such improvement district.

          2.  In any such case, the governing body shall first pass a resolution setting forth that certain tract therein described was omitted from such assessment, and notifying all persons who may desire to object thereto to appear at a meeting of the governing body at a time specified in such resolution and present their objection thereto, and directing the engineer to report to the governing body at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing the amount which should be borne by each such tract so omitted, which notice resolution shall be published and given by mail to the last known owner or owners of each such tract.

          3.  At the conclusion of such hearing or any adjournment thereof, the governing body shall consider the matter as though the tract had been included upon the original roll, and may confirm the same or any portion thereof by ordinance.

          4.  Thereupon, the assessment or assessments on such roll of each omitted tract shall be collected, the payment of which shall be secured by an assessment lien, as other assessments.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 1371)