NRS271.330. Methods of acquisition or improvement.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Any construction work for any project shall be done in any one or more of the following three ways:

          (a) By independent contract.

          (b) By use of municipally owned or leased equipment and municipal officers, agents and employees.

          (c) By another public body or the Federal Government acquiring or improving a project or any interest therein which is herein authorized, which results in general benefits to the municipality and in special benefits to the assessable property being assessed therefor by the municipality within its boundaries.

          2.  Any project or any interest therein not involving construction work appertaining to a capital improvement may be acquired or improved pursuant to any appropriate contract, or otherwise, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the condemnation or other acquisition of real property. In such case nothing herein in subsection 1 nor in NRS 271.335, 271.340 or 271.345 shall be applicable.

          3.  Notwithstanding a project herein authorized or any interest therein may not be owned by a municipality nor be directly acquired or improved, nor the costs thereof directly incurred, by a municipality, and notwithstanding the project herein authorized or any interest therein may be located on land, an easement or other interest therein, or other real property owned by the Federal Government or a public body other than the municipality, the municipality shall have the power:

          (a) To acquire or improve, or both acquire and improve, or to cooperate in the acquisition or improvement of, or both the acquisition and improvement of, the project, or any interest therein, with the Federal Government or any public body (other than the municipality), pursuant to agreement between or among the municipality and such other bodies corporate and politic, so long as the project or the interest therein acquired or improved, or both acquired and improved, results in general benefits to the municipality and in special benefits to the assessable property being assessed therefor by the municipality within its boundaries.

          (b) To levy special assessments on such assessable property to defray all or any part of the costs of the project or any interest therein, or to defray all or any part of the municipality’s share of such costs if all costs are not being defrayed by the municipality.

          (c) To issue bonds and to exercise other powers herein granted and appertaining to such acquisition or improvement, or both.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 1362)