NRS247.120. Manner of recording specified documents.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  Except as otherwise provided in NRS 247.145, each county recorder shall, upon the payment of the prescribed statutory fees, record separately, in a manner which will allow a legible copy to be made, the following specified documents:

          (a) Deeds, grants, patents issued by the State of Nevada or by the United States, transfers and mortgages of real estate, releases of mortgages of real estate, powers of attorney to convey real estate, and leases of real estate which have been acknowledged or proved.

          (b) Except as otherwise provided in NRS 246.100, certificates of marriage and marriage contracts.

          (c) Wills admitted to probate.

          (d) Official bonds.

          (e) Notice of mechanics’ liens.

          (f) Transcripts of judgments which by law are made liens upon real estate in this State and affidavits of renewal of those judgments.

          (g) Notices of attachment upon real estate.

          (h) Notices of the pendency of an action affecting real estate, the title thereto or the possession thereof.

          (i) Instruments describing or relating to the separate property of married persons.

          (j) Notice of preemption claims.

          (k) Notices and certificates of location of mining claims.

          (l) Affidavits of proof of annual labor on mining claims.

          (m) Affidavits of intent to hold mining claims recorded pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 517.230.

          (n) Certificates of sale.

          (o) Judgments or decrees.

          (p) Declarations of homesteads.

          (q) Such other writings as are required or permitted by law to be recorded.

          2.  Each of the documents named in paragraph (a) of subsection 1 may be recorded in separate books in the discretion of the county recorder.

          3.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, before accepting for recording any document enumerated in subsection 1, the county recorder shall require a document suitable for recording by a method used by the recorder to preserve the recorder’s records. The county recorder may conform the size of a declaration of homestead that does not meet the formatting requirements set forth in subsection 3 of NRS 247.110 so that the declaration is suitable for recording by a method used by the recorder to preserve the recorder’s records. If any rights may be adversely affected because of a delay in recording caused by this requirement, the county recorder shall accept the document conditionally subject to submission of a suitable document at a later date. Before accepting a document conditionally, the recorder shall require the person who requests the recording to sign a statement that the person has been advised of the requirements described in this subsection and record the statement with the document.

      [Part 2:120:1923; A 1935, 247; 1949, 84; 1943 NCL § 2112]—(NRS A 1963, 5; 1971, 804; 1977, 264; 1981, 238; 1985, 1681; 1987, 708; 1993, 299; 1995, 1526; 2001, 1737; 2003, 1929; 2007, 538, 885)