NRS244A.7646. Dispute of amount of surcharge or designation of place of primary use by customer of supplier of mobile telephone service: Notice by customer; review by supplier; refund, credit or explanation.  

Latest version.
  •       1.  If a customer of a supplier of mobile telephone service believes that the amount of a surcharge imposed pursuant to NRS 244A.7643 or the designation of a place of primary use is incorrect, the customer may notify the supplier of mobile telephone service in writing of the alleged error. The notice must include:

          (a) The street address for the place of primary use of the customer;

          (b) The account number and name shown on the billing statement of the account for which the customer alleges the error;

          (c) A description of the alleged error; and

          (d) Any other information which the supplier of mobile telephone service may reasonably require to investigate the alleged error.

          2.  Within 60 days after receiving a notice sent pursuant to subsection 1, the supplier of mobile telephone service shall review the records that the supplier of mobile telephone service uses to determine the place of primary use of its customers.

          3.  If the review indicates:

          (a) That the alleged error exists, the supplier of mobile telephone service shall correct the error and refund or credit the customer for the amount which was erroneously collected for the applicable period, not to exceed the 24 months immediately preceding the date on which the customer notified the supplier of mobile telephone service of the alleged error.

          (b) That no error exists, the supplier of mobile service shall provide a written explanation to the customer who alleged the error.

          4.  A customer may not bring a cause of action against a supplier of mobile telephone service for surcharges incorrectly imposed pursuant to NRS 244A.7643 unless the customer first complies with this section.

      (Added to NRS by 2001, 1642)