NRS244A.619. Powers and duties of board.  

Latest version.
  •   In addition to powers elsewhere conferred, the county fair and recreation board of any county, upon behalf of the county and in connection with the recreational facilities herein authorized, is authorized and empowered:

          1.  To establish, construct, purchase, lease, enter into a lease purchase agreement respecting, rent, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise acquire, reconstruct, improve, extend, better, alter, repair, equip, furnish, regulate, maintain, operate and manage recreational facilities, including personal property, real property, lands, improvements and fixtures thereon, property of any nature appurtenant thereto or used in connection therewith, and every estate, interest and right, legal or equitable, therein, including terms for years.

          2.  To insure or provide for the insurance of any recreational facility against such risks and hazards as the board may deem advisable.

          3.  To arrange or contract for the furnishing by any person, agency, association or corporation, public or private, of services, privileges, works or facilities for, or in connection with, a recreational facility; and to hire and retain officers, agents and employees, including a fiscal adviser, engineers, attorneys, or other professional or specialized personnel.

          4.  To direct the board of county commissioners, with the concurrence of the board, to acquire by the exercise of the power of eminent domain any real property which the county fair and recreation board may deem necessary for its purposes under NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive, after the adoption by the board of a resolution declaring that its acquisition is necessary for such purposes. This power shall be exercised in the manner provided by any applicable statutory provisions and laws of the State of Nevada. Title to property so acquired shall be taken in the name of the county.

          5.  To sell, lease, exchange, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property, or any interest therein acquired for the purpose of NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive, including the lease of any recreational facility acquired by the county under the provisions of NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive, which is to be operated and maintained as a public project and recreational facility.

          6.  To fix, and from time to time increase or decrease, rates, tolls or charges for services or facilities furnished in connection with any recreational facility, and to take such action as necessary or desirable to effect their collection, and, with the consent of the board of county commissioners, to provide for the levy by the board of county commissioners of ad valorem taxes, the proceeds thereof to be used in connection with the recreational facilities.

          7.  To receive, control, invest and order the expenditure of any and all moneys and funds pertaining to any recreational facility or related properties, including but not limited to annual grants to the State, the county and incorporated cities in the county for capital improvements for recreational facilities.

          8.  To enter into contracts, leases or other arrangements for commercial advertising purposes with any person, partnership or corporation.

          9.  To exercise all or any part or combination of the powers herein granted to such county, except as herein otherwise provided.

          10.  To sue and be sued.

          11.  To do and perform any and all other acts and things necessary, convenient, desirable or appropriate to carry out the provisions of NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive.

      [8:383:1955]—(NRS A 1963, 793; 1973, 1509)